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International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology

Agricultural terraces of Dagestan: ancient legacy for climate change adaptation and building resilience of mountain communities

Raisa G. Gracheva, Vera V. Vinogradova, Alexander V. Sheludkov et al.

Geography, Environment, Sustainability. 2024. Vol. 17. No. 4. P. 205-216.

Book chapter
Neural networks and satellite images-based shrub tundra landscape study: phenomena with fuzzy geometric and categorical boundaries

Derkacheva A., Frost G. V., Ermokhina K. et al.

In bk.: 2023 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing (MIGARS). IEEE, 2023. P. 1-4.

The laboratory was established in 2022 to conduct research in ecology and geography. In its approaches, the team merges experimental methods of ground-based measurements of ecosystem functioning with the math-based methods of remote sensing (RS) data processing.

The main goal is to develop a set of approaches for RS data processing that will allow to use them most effectively as a source of information about landscape structure and organisation. Thereby, the key research focus of the lab is to develop methods for:

  • analysing data obtained at ground-based ecological stations and environmental observatories;
  • RS data processing as a tool for measuring functional variables of ecosystems;
  • integrating the data obtained with RS and ground measurements;
  • building statistical models of the ecosystems organization and functioning;
  • analysing and mapping landscape structure and its individual properties based on RS and ground data;
  • assessing climate-regulating functions of landscapes and caused impact on individuals;
  • quantifying and mapping ecosystem services.


The Autumn Series of Seminars Conducted by the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Has Ended.

On December 19, 2024, the eighth and final seminar "Dynamics of environmental management, climate and biological productivity of landscapes of Buryatia and Tuva in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries" was held

The Seventh Workshop of the Autumn Series, Held at the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology, Took Place.

At a seminar held on December 12, 2024, P.M.Shilov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, M.Sc., V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Institute, spoke about the problems of development and promising growth points in soil geophysics.

The Sixth Seminar of the Autumn Seminar Series of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Took Place

During the event, Andrey Medvedev, Head of the Department of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about the analysis of the temperature of the underlying surface and the identification of objects based on high-detail thermal imaging.

The Fifth Seminar Was Held Within the Framework of the Autumn Series of Seminars of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology

During the event on December 28, 2024, Alexander Krenke and Mikhail Puzachenko, senior researchers at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about the heterogeneity of the territory on various scales in landscape and climatic zoning.

The Fourth Seminar of the Autumn Series of Seminars of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Took Place

At the seminar held on November 21, 2024, MLLE employees Anastasia Dolbnya, a research intern, and Anna Derkacheva, a researcher, talked about modeling the distribution of vegetation classification units (Brown-Blanke system) in the tundra zone of Western Siberia.

As Part of the Autumn Series of Seminars Held by the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology, Another Seminar Was Held

Ivan Kotlov, a researcher at the laboratory, presented the report "Modeling the suitability of the habitats of the Central Asian leopard (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica) in the Chechen Republic."

The Autumn Series of Seminars of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology continues, Dedicated to Current Research Conducted at the Higher School of Economics

On November 7, 2024, the second seminar of the series "Spatial and temporal dynamics of a stand based on long-term measurements and remote information on the example of the Central Forest Biosphere Reserve" was held

The Autumn Series of Seminars Held by the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology in 2024 Has Started

On October 31, 2024, the first seminar of the series "Mapping of recreational infrastructure and calculation of recreational capacity of the Tunka National Park" was held

The International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Held a Field School for Young Scientists in the Field of Landscape Science

From 2 to 7 September in the Central Forest Reserve (Tver region) a school for young researchers “Actual methods of landscape structure analysis based on remote sensing data, digital elevation models and field data” organized by the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology was held. The School was attended by 24 students from 10 regions of the country, including three students from Belarus. The speakers of the School were the staff of the Laboratory, the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems (A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems, Moscow). A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution (IPEE RAS), Institute of Geography RAS (IG RAS), Central Forest Reserve.

The Student Expedition “Geoinformation Support and Scientific Substantiation of the Development of Tourist and Recreational Activities of Protected Areas on the Example of the Tunka National Park” Was Completed

From August 1 to August 12 the student expedition of the project “Rediscovering Russia” took place under the guidance of the head of the international laboratory of landscape ecology Robert Sandlersky and researcher Marina Tsydypova. Students of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technologies conducted research work in the territory of the Tunka National Park in order to map the objects of its infrastructure, as well as accounting and sociological surveys of recreationists within the framework of the park's preparation of a recreational activity plan.

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