The First All-Russian Youth Field School "Digital Technologies in Landscape and Ecological Research" Was Held in Russia
The event was organized on the base of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Tomsk State University in Khakassia (Malaya Syya, Shirinsky district). The co-organizers were the Department of Geography of TSU, the Russian chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE-Russia), GC "Geoscan" and JSC "Tomskgiprozem", the Tomsk Branch of the Russian Geographical Society and the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology of the Higher School of Economics.

The International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Has Become a Partner of the IALE-RUSSIA YOUTH SCHOOL IN KHAKASSIA “Digital Technologies in Landscape and Ecological Research”
The Department of Geography of the National Research Tomsk State University and the Russian Section of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE-Russia), with the participation of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology of the Higher School of Economics, will hold the First All-Russian Youth Field School seminar "Digital Technologies in Landscape and Environmental Research" on August 21-26, 2023.

The Laboratory Announces the Recruitment of Students for Practical Training
Students are invited to take a summer internship in 2023