The Head of the Laboratory R. Sandlersky Took Part in the Annual Seminar "Homeostatic Mechanisms of Biological Systems”
On October 4, 2022, the Head of the Laboratory, R.B. Sandlersky, took part in the annual seminar "Homeostatic Mechanisms of Biological Systems" organized by the N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Sustainable Development and Environmental Health within the framework of the RAS Program "Biodiversity of Natural systems and biological resources of Russia".
At the seminar, 10 contributions were presented on various aspects of self-organization and self-regulation of complex biological systems: populations, communities and biogeocenoses. R. Sandlersky and his colleagues presented the report "Theoretical and methodological justification of boundaries and integrity in landscape cover and its components", which outlined the basic methodological principles for the allocation of boundaries in landscape cover and its components based on the Woodward-Kotelnikov reference theorem, field measurements and remote sensing data. A number of examples of the allocation of boundaries for the vegetation cover of the Central Forest Reserve based on field data and multispectral satellite imagery were demonstrated.